Papiere & Digital Decluttering
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Leitz 39960094 Ordnungsmappe Style Ordnungsmappe Style, 12 Fächer
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Leitz 45701001 Solid Ordnungsmappe PP A4, 12 Fächer
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Leitz 45691095 Solid Ordnungsmappe PP A4, 6 Fächer
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Staples Arc Papierstanzer, 8 Blatt
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Spiralbuch ARC Leder befüllbar schwarz DIN A5 60 Blatt
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Spiralbuch arc PP befüllbar A5 60 Blatt
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Register PP f. arc Spiralbuch
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Refill-Papier liniert f.arc Spiralbuch weiß A4
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Einsteckhüllen m. Zipverschluss
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Zwischenringe ARC schwarz Durchmesser 25.4mm 12 Stück
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Maped M537300 – Zettelspieß aus Metall
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Feuerfeste Dokumententasche
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Aufbewahrungsbox aus Kunststoff, 22L, 50 DVDs oder 25 Videos
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Aufbewahrungsbox aus Kunststoff, 18L, für 44 DVDs oder 93 CDs
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Box mit Hängeregisterleiste, 48L, für Ordner oder Fotos
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Aufbewahrungsboxen 4er-Pack: 48L+ 12L+ 9L + 3L
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
3 x Boxen mit Hängeregisterleiste, 48L, für Ordner oder Fotos
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
4 x Stapelbare Kunsstoffboxen mit Rollen
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Aufbewahrungsbox mit Deckel Extra Groß
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Leitz Click & Store Ablage- und Transportbox für Hängeregistratur
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
5 Hängemappen A4, farbig sortier
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Johan Hängeregisterbox mit Deckel
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Hängemappe A4 Hängehefter Farbig Sortiert 8 Stück
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Karton-Register 1-12 für DIN A4
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Amazon Basics – Register, aus recyceltem Manilapapier
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Trennstreifen Trapez 120×230 mm
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Herlitz 1500669 Karteiregister A6 Kunststoff PP 25-teilig A-Z
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Leitz Standard-Doppelordner mit zwei Mechaniken, 100 % recycelter Karton
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Ordner Sonderformat Hartpappe. 8 cm breit DIN A4 quer schwarz
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Landré Stehsammler A4, aus stabilem Karton 7cm breit
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Falken 5er Pack PP-Color Kunststoff-Ordner
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Ordnerrücken Sticker Sonnenstrahlen im Wald in Premiumqualität
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Set mit 9 Stück breiten Ordner-Etiketten selbstklebend
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
12 Stück breite Ordner-Etiketten selbstklebend
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Set 9 Stück breite Ordner-Etiketten
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Dokumenten-Hüllen A4 mit Klappe
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
4-Kammer-Kleinkram-Beutel mit Abheftrand
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Dokumententasche A4 10 pack
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Dokumentenmappen, abheftbar
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Dokumententasche A5 auf A4
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Impfpass Hülle Wasserfest 4er Set
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Fotohüllen DIN A4
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Dokumentenablage Metall, 3 Fächer
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
DOKUMENT Briefablage, Silber
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
Arctic White Wire Mesh Triple Magazine Rack
.paapi5-pa-ad-unit { border: 1px solid #eee; margin:2px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 22px 20px; line-height: 1.1em; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit * { box-sizing: content-box; box-shadow: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; outline: 0; padding: 0; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-left { float: left; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.pull-right { float: right; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a { box-shadow: none !important; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit a:hover { color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { width: 180px; height: 210px; } /* fixed width and height of product image to 150px */ .paapi5-pa-product-image { display: table; width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-link { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .paapi5-pa-product-image-source { max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; vertical-align: bottom; } .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: block; width: 32px; height: 25px; padding-top: 8px; position: absolute; top: -16px; right: -16px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #a50200; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cb0400, #a50200); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cb0400, #a50200); } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit.hide-percent-off-badge .paapi5-pa-percent-off { display: none; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #0066c0; text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-title a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c45500; } .paapi5-pa-product-title a { text-overflow: initial; white-space: initial; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price { font-size: 13px; color: #111111; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price-value { color: #AB1700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: 3px; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price { font-size: 13px; color: #565656; } .paapi5-pa-product-list-price-value { text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 0.99em; } .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } .paapi5-pa-product-offer-price, .paapi5-pa-product-list-price, .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon { display: inline-block; margin-right: 3px; } @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit .paapi5-pa-product-prime-icon .icon-prime-all { background: url("") no-repeat; display: inline-block; margin-top: -1px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: -192px -911px; background-size: 560px 938px; width: 52px; height: 15px; } } /* css for mobile devices when device width is less than 441px*/ @media screen and (max-width: 440px) { .paapi5-pa-ad-unit { float: none; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-container { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .paapi5-pa-product-details { text-align: center; margin-top: 11px; } }
3-fach Stehsammler aus silbernem Drahtgeflecht
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Permanentmarker – schwarz – 1 Stift